Friday, June 5, 2009


Tomatoes and peppers are now in. This is a partial list of what I have planted. I'll add a complete list when I go out to the garden and read the labels and the little plastic sticks.

Swiss Chard Ruby Red
60 days. Beta vulgaris. Plant produces good yields of dark green shiny leaves with ruby red stalks and veins. Excellent for salads and steamed with others greens. Plant yields all summer long into the fall. Plant Height: 24" tall (Reimer Seeds, 2009).

Kohlrabi is a part of the cabbage family. It was first grown in Europe around 1500 and was imported into America 300 years later. It has a turnip like appearance, with leaves standing out like spokes from the edible portion, which is a rounded, enlarged stem section growing just above the soil line. Kohlrabi is sometimes misclassified as a root vegetable (University of Illinois Extension, 2009).

Cherry Tomatoes

Roma Tomatoes

Reimer Seeds -
Downloaded 6/5/2009

University of Illinois Extension -
Downloaded 6/5/2009